
I Go On


The famous Czech fashion designer, artist and designer, who is for over three decades dressing the wives, sisters and daughters of kings, emirs, sheikhs and tycoons in the Gulf countries and many European celebrities. That's Blanka Matragi. She holds a number of Czech and international awards. It's already the second book describing the exciting and dramatic journey from the highlands to the highest world-class fashion, revealing all other aspects of her work and bringing authentic personal experiences.

"I've never been the type of person who makes up for themselves. I need challenges, impulses, reactions of people! They give me optimism charging energy to overcome obstacles. Don't stop developing. Don't get stuck in what man have and what works. I am forever linked with Persian princesses, but live off that glory does not satisfy me. As long as I breathe, I want to go on."


Blanka Matragi – I Go On
Editor: Denisa Proskova
Published by Euromedia Group, k. s. − Ikar
in Prague in 2011
Language: Czech
Available from 26th September 2011
Number of pages: 280, including 72 pages of color attachments
ISBN 978-80-249-1692-7


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